Free Book: Inside Azure Management v3

For the last several months Pete Zerger, Tao Yang, Kevin Greene, Anders Bengtsson and me have been working hard to update Inside OMS book. With the latest changes we are now on version 3 of the book and with new name: Inside Azure Management

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What is OMS and a Brief History of It

While discussing Azure/OMS topics in the community I often see incorrect usage of OMS (Operations Management Suite). That is understandable of course as Microsoft hasn’t done good job at clearing out all the terms but I still think we should be using the correct term when posting questions or discussing OMS in forums and other sites. This can help us communicate better between each other and especially in forums could result to answering question faster. As we the move from OMS Portal to Azure Portal it was about time to write this blog post which I’ve intended to do for quite some time but always delayed due to different circumstances.

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OMS Portal Moving to Azure

For quite some time it was clear that the OMS Portal will move completely to Azure and that is good news. We have seen services like Update Management, Azure Security Center (Security & Audit solution is part of it) releasing new functionalities only in Azure Portal. In fact some services that have been part of OMS (OMS is a suite not a product or service) have always been in Azure Portal. Such services are Azure Backup, Site Recovery, Application Insights, etc. Microsoft has documented OMS Portal deprecation but I would like to add some things to the ones documented there:

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Free E-book: Inside #MSOMS v2 now available

It took us some time but we’ve managed to update the one and only free OMS book. We had plans to release it earlier but unforeseen things has happened which prevented us to do it earlier. I hope you will understand but you will still enjoy it. The other authors and me put a lot of effort to get it out along with the reviewers.

The new query language of Log Analytics is not included in the book but that should not discourage you as the content is still relevant.

Go grab Inside the Microsoft Operations Management Suite for free. Let us know if you have any feedback.

I mostly would like to thank my fiancée for being patient with me and supporting me while I was writing my chapters.

Backup Reports in Azure Backup with Log Analytics and PowerBI

A new feature just popped up in my Recovery Services Vault named Backup Reports:


Continue reading “Backup Reports in Azure Backup with Log Analytics and PowerBI”