Get-SCOMManagementPacks 4.4

I’ve just released the latest version of this script you can find at GitHub. There is just a small fix provided by Lynne Taggart in this release. Basically Microsoft changed the layout of their download page once again so we needed a slightly different logic to pull the MP version and publish date information.

Double Heartbeat Events in OMS Log Analytics

I was testing the new Agent Health solution in OMS and I’ve noticed that I have two Heartbeat events generated at the same time for the same computer but having different values for SCAgentChannel field. At first I thought it was some kind of bug related that this server is connected to SCOM management group and the MG is connected to OMS but also the server has direct connection to Internet. Continue reading “Double Heartbeat Events in OMS Log Analytics”


I’ve been meaning to write this blog post for a long time. The reason for that is because since the first preview of OMS (Operational Insights back in the day) I’ve received question like “I’ve removed the Microsoft Monitoring Agent from my server but why I still see the server in OMS?” trough various channels. And btw if you wonder how long I’ve been using OMS today is exactly 2 years and 3 months since it was announced at TechEd North America 2014. I probably should be getting some honorable badge for this achievement Smile . Back to the topic. While there are scenarios in which you can think of OMS like it is SCOM in many ways you should not and there is reason for that. I will try with this blog post to explain why and answer the above question. We can summarize the differences between Operations Management Suite and SCOM in the following statements: Continue reading “#MSOMS Is Not #SCOM”

OMSSearch PowerShell Module 6.0.0 Release

I’ve just updated the OMSSearch PowerShell module. New version is 6.0.0. Here are the changes: Continue reading “OMSSearch PowerShell Module 6.0.0 Release”

Free E-book: Inside the Microsoft Operations Management Suite

For the past couple of months I’ve been a little bit quiet on my blog. The reason for this is that I was participating in something special for you. Continue reading “Free E-book: Inside the Microsoft Operations Management Suite”