Capacity Planner for Hyper-V Replica

Microsoft has released a tool that will help you plan your capacity for Hyper-V Replica. The tool and the documentation for it you can find here.

Infrastructure Planning and Design Guide for System Center 2012 – Virtual Machine Manager is available

The final version of IPD guide for VMM 2012 is available for download. This guide will help you designing your VMM environment.

Recommended steps before adding network devices for monitoring in SCOM 2012

Cameron Fuller published a nice article with 7 steps you should perform before starting monitoring of Network Devices. Executing these steps will save you a lot of time in troubleshooting later. This is a must read article and can be found here.

OpsMgr 20120 Design and Planning Guide released

Microsoft has release the final version of Design and Planning Guide for SCOM 2012. This guide can help you in implementing SCOM 2012 or updating from SCOM 2007. Download and more information on the link below.