Disable Discovery of Virtual Machine Resource Groups in Cluster MP

Both Cluster Management Pack and Virtual Machine Management Pack provide monitoring for Virtual Machine but from different perspective. In some situations the Cluster MP can be very noise as it is monitoring Resource Groups and Resources which could be down just because some virtual machines are shut down. Until now I’ve been using custom solution like creating a group with all Cluster Resource Groups which name starts with SCVMM (all VMs created by VMM are created with cluster resource group that start with SCVMM). And I’ve been disabling certain alerts for that Group but there could be VMs that are not created by VMM or you are replicating VMs from another environment with ASR and Hyper-V replica. As every Resource Group has its own time I was looking to find a way to create a group in SCOM that is populated on that type but that information was not gathered by Cluster MP. With the latest Cluster MP we have solution to this problem. We can basically exclude certain types of Cluster Resource Groups of being discovered. I was tipped for this option after consulting with Liz Kim  from System Center product group. So here is the solution:

  1. You find one of the following discoveries:


  1. Create override for it:


In my case I am creating override against only 2012 R2 clusters but you can do the same for 2012 or 2008 R2 as well if you have such Hyper-v Clusters.

The number 111 is the ID of the Virtual Machine type cluster resource group. The IDs can be found here:



As you can see actually you can exclude other Resource Group types as well.

If you want the discovery to happen fast you should override Sync Time property as well. Try overriding it 15 mins than your current time and look what has been re-discovered after 20 mins in “Windows Server 2012 R2 Cluster Resource Group” Class. If it does not happen the first time completely try it 1-2 times more. After it is successful remove the override for Sync Time property. If you see objects that should not be seen in that class run Remove-SCOMDisabledClassInstance cmdlet.

I hope you will find this helpful.

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